
Because we see with our brains, it takes a while for the eyes and the brain to coordinate getting used to a new prescription. The length of time for adjusting to your new glasses depends on the strength of the prescription, on whether there has been a significant change in the prescription or on whether you are wearing glasses for the first time. Additionally, if you have gone from a large frame to a smaller frame or vice versa, or from contacts to glasses, there may be a longer adjustment period.


When you put on a new pair of glasses for the first time, things may not appear perfect. While some people are lucky and can see well, for many people there is an adjustment period for new eyeglasses. This process is similar to breaking in a new pair of shoes. There may be a brief period of discomfort, but eventually the glasses should become very comfortable.

Time Frame

Adjusting to new glasses can take up to two weeks. If you have glasses for the first time, the best way to get used to them is to wear them as often as possible and as directed by the eye doctor. If you have had a change in prescription and the difference is significant, the adjustment period may be two weeks, or even a little longer.


If you have worn your glasses for at least two weeks and you are still experiencing difficulty adjusting to the new correction, have your doctor or optician recheck the lenses to verify they have been made according to the prescription. If the lenses are correct, then ask to be rechecked by the doctor to see if the prescription needs to be updated.

DO NOT wear your old prescription while trying to get used to a new one. This will make the adjustment period take longer.