Introducing CarlinVision’s NEW Dry Eye Service!

Dry, gritty, burning eyes are relatively common conditions. Affecting over 5 million Americans over the age of 50, the condition is more common in women, especially those on hormone replacement therapy. A common cause of contact lens discomfort, dry eyes may cause episodes of reflex tearing, blurred vision and decreased tolerance of reading or working on a computer.

NOW, due to the acquisition of new technology, new research and advanced training, we are able to more accurately pinpoint the cause of dry eyes and direct individualized treatment. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), a chronic and progressive condition, is the root cause of almost all dry symptoms such as burning, scratching and redness.

With the addition of LipiFlow®, the latest FDA-approved technology, we treat the oil glands themselves and maintain the gland function before it is compromised. Dr. Melanie Bennett-Sims is our dedicated dry eye specialist. Patients will be invited to come in for a thorough dry eye evaluation, where we will be able to acutely focus on the problem and provide better diagnostic and treatment protocols.

We are very excited to finally be able to provide better care for this most frustrating condition. Call Hannah, our Dry Eye Coordinator, at 770-979-2020 x246 or email and find out if this service would be beneficial for you.